ORCHIDS ASIA provides a range of cut orchids like dendrobiums, arandas, arantheras, mokaras, vandas, cattleyas, phalenopsis, oncidiums, cymbidiums and other intergenerics.
Orchids, Anthuriums, Heliconias, Pineapple,Foliage

we provide orchid stems, loose blooms, cut flowers, bouquets according to bulk needs of customers and in master cartons as per weekly delivery schedules for 52 weeks. All orders are shipped by air to the destinations and advance booking for annual orders are welcome.

Within the business of flowers we work with orchids, anthuriums, heliconias, cutgreens, pineapples, draceana family. We provide different packing system for each family and accordingly these are discussed here. We also offer a range of edible flowers in our portfolio that encompasses even micro greens used in food decor.

Bouquets - major selections of cutflowers are sold as arrangements like the ones shown below..
By selecting a combination of choices we can offer customers a plethora of material to chose from.
Assorted Bouquets will get minimum of 3 varieties of Dendrobiums. It can be 3 different in each bunch or in each tray. Please specify. The price is same all year round.
(for 5 stems is the same only that the length is longer.)
Packing Details: Tray Size: 38 x 84 x 8 cms
Length - 40 cms +
#3 stem Bouquets - 3 assorted - 30 per tray
Dying is a special art by which we create special permanent looking orchid colours on Orchids. We do them stem by stem. There is no difference between normal orchids and dyed ones...Here are some examples of the color we have. Let me know if you need any other special colors.The most popular dye orchids are Bom- Sonia, Misteen, Big White (Jack Dorean).
Well Several colours to dye- Red, Blue, Yellow,Green.Here above you see the Bom- sonia before and after dying with Red and Blue shades and in the next image you see colouring of Blue, MT Red, Dark red and Green.
Mokara CharkKuan Red -Orange, Christine,Sayan, Calypso,White, to name some selections.Aranda Nora or what we usually call is short for "Nora" also got several colors.
Some cut flower selections are Arachnis Ishbel, Aranthera Anne Black, Arachnis Maggie Oei "Red Ribbon", Aranda Hilda Galistan, Arachnis Maggie Oei "Yellow Ribbon", Aranda Kooi Choo, Arachnis Maroon Maggie.
Packing details:
Tray Size: 40 x 106 x 9 cms Unit /Tray - 100 Volume/weight - 6.36 kgs Tray per master- 4 For 70 +
Tray Size: 38x84 x 8 cms Unit /Tray - 80-100 Volume/weight - 4.26 kgsTray per master- 5 For 50+
Complete pack boxes will vary as per volumes per master carton and the sizes in packing.

Tray Size- Cms - 38 x 84 x 8
Volume / weight of tray in Kgs - 4.26
Unit /Tray -
M-Medium-40 + cms- Qty- 100-120
L -Large -50 + cms- Qty- 90-110
LL- Extra large-57 + cms- Qty- 80-100
Outer Master Carton - Containing 5 Trays.

Housed in a state of art packing facility all our cutblooms are treated prior to packing them in trays and master cartons. Each and every bloom is washed, quarentined and then dried before adding the floral plugs to preserve them. These are then stacked and bundled. Our cold store chain has several cold rooms to stock these at predetermined temperature to enhance the shelf life and sales appeal.

The major cutflowers are classified by colours as White, Pink, Dark Red and Two Tones, Greens & yellows.
Let us see the culitvars by the colours.Major Pinks- Intuwong with most pink but smaller blossoms. Dendrobium Sakura is paler pink (more white), the blossoms are bigger. and Dendrobium Miss Teen which is very pale pink.
Comparison Between Intuwong, Sakura and Miss Teen
Dark Red Dendrobium :Among Dark Red Dendrobium, Sabine is the most popular. It give the Dark Red color all over the flowers. While Dang Siam is not as dark red as Sabine. And Madam Pompadour (Madam) is not as dark as Dang Siam (Please see the comparison pictures for color comparison). Sabine normally have fewer number of flowers on each stem when compare with other Dark Red Dendrobiums. While Madam have the most number of flowers. Dang Siam have the biggest flower size. Siam Ruby has a little more white in the middle than Sabine.
Oncidium is beautiful bright yellow color orchid. Available in two major types. The standard oncidium or Golden Shower Oncidium and Giant Oncidium or Ramsay. The giant oncidium can be longer than 100 cm.
White Dendrobium :
Among all white Dendrobium, Jack Dorean (or Sanan White) is the most beautiful as the flowers are much larger and the color is purer white than the other. The Pure white 4N even though the name is pure white, the color is white with faded green, the flowers are smaller and the stem are normally shorter than Jack Dorean. We also have another white dendrobium. But they are not as strong and big as Jack Dorean.
Two Tones Dendrobium:
There are two types of distinctly two tone Dendrobium. Dark Sonia or Dark Bombay or Dark Bom and Sonia or Bombay or Bom which the blossom is mostly red with the middle white. And Yupadeewan which inverted from Bom or mostly white with the middle of the blossom red and the blossom is much smaller than Bom or Dark Bom.. Hieng Beauty is another two tones Dendrobium, which somebody said it is the real two tones. As the outer blossom is pure white, while the middle is dark violet.
Bom is the most popular Dendrobium. When you talk about Dendrobium from Thailand. everybody will think about Bom. Dark Bom as its name will tell. The blossoms are darker red than Bom. The rest are almost the same.