ORCHIDS ASIA provides a range of herbs, aromatic plants, spice oil plants and medicinal plants used for ayurveda preparations, food use, micro greens applications.

BASIL (Ocimum basilicum)
Sometimes referred to as the king of herbs (the name is derived from basileus, which is Greek for king), basil has fragrant, bright green leaves on 6-inch- to 2-foot-tall plants. Annual. All zones.
Best culinary varieties: 'Finissino Verde A Palla' bush basil, 'Italian Pesto', 'Lettuce Leaf', 'Mammoth Sweet', 'Mrs. Burns' Lemon Basil', 'Profuma di Genova', 'Red Rubin', 'Sweet Basil'.
CHIVES (Allium)
Green, grasslike, 12- to 24-inch-long spears form in clumps. Clusters of rose purple or white flowers in spring. Perennial.
Best culinary varieties: Chives (A. schoenoprasum); all zones. Chinese or garlic chives (A. tuberosum); zones 1-24, H1-H2.

CILANTRO (Coriandrum sativum)
Bright green leaves on foot-tall stems look similar to flat-leafed parsley. Cilantro refers to the leaves; the seeds are called coriander.
Best culinary varieties: Grow types that are slow to bolt (go to seed), which are labeled as such or sold as a variety called 'Slow-Bolt'.
DILL (Anethum graveolens)
• Annual
• All zones
• Full sun
• Infrequent water
The fresh or dried leaves and the seeds of this versatile annual herb are a popular seasoning for many foods ― including, of course, dill pickles. The plants grow 3 to 4 feet high, sporting soft, feathery leaves and flat clusters of small yellow flowers. Sow seed directly in garden beds in spring, after all danger of frost is past. Thin seedlings to 1 1/2 feet apart.
OREGANO (Origanum)
Shrubby plant with 1 1/2-inch-long leaves grows 2 to 3 feet tall. Perennial. Zones vary.
Best culinary varieties: Greek (O. vulgare hirtum) has gray green leaves; zones 8-9, 12-24. Italian (O. x majoricum) has milder bright green leaves; zones 4-24.
PARSLEY (Petroselinum)
Flat or curly green leaves grow in clumps. Flat-leafed types grow 2 to 3 feet tall, curly types to 1 foot. Biennial often grown as an annual. All zones.
Best culinary varieties: 'Giant Italian' is best for cooking; the curly type ('Extra Curled' or 'Green River') is good as a garnish.

SAGE (Salvia officinalis)
Shrubby plant from 1 to 3 feet tall with 2- to 3-inch-long leaves. Perennial. Zones 2-24, H1-H2.
Best culinary varieties: 'Berggarten' produces few or no flowers and is considered the best culinary type by herb professionals. For a milder flavor, grow S. officinalis, S. o. 'Icterina', or S. o. 'Purpurascens'.
ROSEMARY (Rosmarinus)
Short, narrow green leaves with grayish white undersides grow on woody stems ranging from 1 to 6 feet tall. Perennial in zones 4-24, H1-H2.
Best culinary varieties: Some of the best varieties for cooking are 'Blue Spires', 'Gorizia', and 'Tuscan Blue'. Avoid rosemary plants with strong pine or turpentine undertones. 'Arp' is hardy to -10°.
SWEET MARJORAM (Origanum majorana)
Oval gray green leaves on 1- to 2-foot-tall plants. Milder and more floral than oregano. Perennial in zones 8-24; annual elsewhere.
TARRAGON, FRENCH TARRAGON (Artemisia dracunculus)
• Perennial
• Zones 3-24, 29-41
• Full sun
• Occasional water
A perennial with narrow, anise-flavored leaves of shiny dark green, tarragon dies to the ground in winter but returns the following spring. Plants grow 1 to 2 feet tall; space them 2 feet apart. French tarragon can only be grown from divisions or cuttings. Seed-grown plants belong to a different variety and are inferior in flavor.
THYME (Thymus)
Small, pungent leaves grow on stems up to 1 foot tall. White to lilac flowers appear in late spring to early summer. Perennial. Zones 1-24.
Best culinary varieties: English or common (T. vulgaris), French (T. vulgaris variety), golden lemon (T. x citriodorus 'Aureus'), and lemon (T. x citriodorus), pictured at left.

This is an attractive erect rambling shrub with long tuberous roots and bright red flowers in long terminal
spikes. The root tubers are the medicinally important parts. This is an esteemed remedy for leucoderma
and other skin diseases. The synonyms of fire like 'agnih' 'analah' etc. are attributed to this drug to
indicate the caustic action of roots causing blisters on the skin. The drug is used only after adequate
curing and purification. Roots contain plumbagin, which is responsible for the therapeutic action of the

NEELA AMARI[NEELI]Indigo/Era tinctoria
Nili is a reputed drug for the promotion of hair growth. Due to antitoxic property it is also a good remedy
for poisons. This plant, which is the original source of natural indigo, is an erect shrub with imparipinnate
leaves. Leaves are important in medicine and form a major ingredient of preparations like 'Nilibhringadi'.
Indian crocus, also known as bhucampaka in Sanskrit, abhuyicampa in Hindi and chengazhinirkizhangu in Malayalam is a medicinal herb with aromatic rhizome. The rhizomes are used for the treatment of tumours, swellings and wounds. It helps to remove blood clots and other purulent matters in body. It is used in many
ayurvedic formulations including 'Chyavanaprasam' for improving complexion and curing burning sensation, gastric complaints, mental disorders and insomnia.
KASTHURIMANJAL-Curcuma aromatica
Curcuma aromatica known as vanharidrain Sanskrit jangali-haldi in Hindi and kasthurimanjal in Malayalam is a rhizomatous herbaceous medicinal plant. The rhizome is an odoriferous ingredient of the cosmetics used for the cure of chronic skin diseases caused by impure blood. It is used as appetizer and tonic to women after childb
irth. It is also useful against high fever and worm infestation.
CHITTARATHA-Alpinia calcarata
Alpinia calcarata (galangal) is also known as rasna in Sanskrit, kulainjan in Hindi and chittaratha in Malayalam. It is a perennial herb with non tuberous pungent rootstock.It grows to a height of 1.5 m and
produces around 24 suckers per clump per year. The economic part is rhizome, which is a major constituent of many formulations of indigenous system of medicine for relieving throat inflammation, stimulating digestion, purifying blood, improving voice and marinating youthful vigour.

India is considered as a treasure house of valuable medicinal and aromatic plant species. It has 15 agro-climatic zones, 47000 different plant species and 15000 medicinal plants. About 2000 native plant species have curative properties and 1300 species are known for their aroma and flavour. The Indian systems of medicines, popularly known as Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha drugs are of great demand in the country. It has identified 1500 medicinal plants, of which 500 species are mostly used in the preparation of drugs.

Some commercially important Medicinal Plants are:- Amla, Chirata, Kalmegh, Safed Musali, Ashok, Daruhaldi, Kokum, Sarpgandha, Ashwagandha, Giloe, Kuth, Senna, Atees, Gudmar Kutki, Shatavari, Bael, Guggal, Makoy, Tulsi, Bhumi, Amlaki, Isabgol, Mulethi, Vai Vidang, Brahmi, Jatamansi, Patharchur (Coleus), Vatsnabh, Chandan, Kalihari, Pippal, etc.

LEMON GRASS-Cymbopogon Flexuosus
Lemon grass is a member of the Grass family and is a native of West India. Lemon grass is an evergreen plant that grows in dense clumps up to 2 meters in diameter and with leaves that can grow up to 1 meter long. It grows best in tropical regions with a warm humid climate and moist rich soil.
Lemon grass has a yellow flower that blooms in summer or autumn, but flowering is very rare. Since the plants rarely flower or set seed, the best propagation is by plant division or root cuttings.
Lemon grass has been used for centuries for its culinary, medicinal, ornamental, or aromatic properties. It is used in herbal teas and baked goods for a lemony flavor. Lemon grass was thought to be a nervous system depressant and was used for relaxation. Its pure lemony scent is used to make soaps, detergents, and air fresheners.

We cultivate and supply a wide range of aloe vera plants of different species that comprises of high medicinal value. The leaves of aloe vera contain a range of biologically active compounds that are used to treat skin related problems and gastric disorders. We also supply the planting material and seeds of herbal plants consultancy is provided for cultivation.
Growing and supplying a wide range of Stevia Plants, we have been catering to the requirements of varied industrial and commercial applications. This plant is known to yield stevia extract which is natural sweetener and is 300 times sweeter than sugar and hence boon to diabetic people, hypertensive, tonic and vasodilator. Being a leading exporter, we also help our clients in setting up their own plantations. Supplying dried leaves for various uses.
We are into stevia plantation and also provide Stevia plant seeds or stevia dry leaves .

Cultivating a wide variety of Patchouli, we are serving to varied industrial requirements. Since centuries, this plant is used globally for manufacturing perfumes as the plant bears a heavy and pleasant fragrance. Patchouli is planted in our own farms as well as through contract farming. We are given the plants and technical guidance for the cultivation of patchouli to farmers with buy back agreement. Patchouli requires the temperature between 25 deg to 40 deg. With humidity above 60% .Patchouli has proven to be a very beneficial crop to the farmers. The yield per acre varies between 3 MT to 5 MT depending upon irrigation system, soil, fertilizers .
Patchouli grows well in warm to tropical climates. It thrives in hot weather but not direct sunlight. If the plant withers due to lack of water, it will recover well and quickly after rain or watering. The seed-producing flowers are very fragrant and blossom in late fall. The tiny seeds may be harvested for planting, but they are very delicate and easily crushed. Cuttings from the mother plant can also be rooted in water to produce additional plants.We have our associate nurseries for the supply of patchouli plants. Patchouli is being cultivated in over more than 5000 acres all over India.

KACHOLAM-Kaempferia galanga
An attractive medicinal plant used in various medicines. The aromatic essential oil of the roots is widely
used in perfumery, as a condiment, and as a folk rnedicine. Asians. employ the rhizomes and leaves as a
perfume in cosmetics, hair washes and powders. They are used to protect the clothing against insects.They are chewed with betel nut.
PALMAROSA-Cymbopogon martinii var.mafia
Palmarosa (rosha grass) is adapted to marginal areas and poor soils; can be grown under dense canopies
of trees and used for soil conservation.The flowering tops and foliage contain sweet smelling oil emitting a rose like odour and is widely used in soaps, cosmetics and perfumery industries. The oil is also used as a raw material for producing geraniol,which is extensively used in the perfumery industry.

VETIVER-Vetiveria zizanioides
Vetiver is a perennial grass, commonly known as 'khus' plant and mainly cultivated on hill slopes as a
rainfed crop. The essential oil is extracted from the roots and known as 'khuskhus oil'.It prefers a warm climate and grows in areas up to 600 m elevation. Even though vetiver grows almost in all soils, a rich and fairly well drained sandy loam is the best. An annual rainfall of about 100 to 200 cm,temperature ranging from 25 to 40°C and moderate humidity are ideal for its growth.Its root contains fragrant oil, which is a per
fume by itself. The dry aromatic roots are made into curtains, mats, fans, etc. to emit scented cool aroma when moistened. The oil is used as a valuable fixative for blending perfumes and cosmetics.
Two types of vetiver namely, South Indian and North Indian (khus) are generally under cultivation. South
Indian types produce higher root and oil yield, but North Indian types have superior oil quality. Among
the South Indian types, the Nilambur type (ODV-3) on an average produces 5 t/ha of root, yielding 20-30 kg oil/ha.

Aromatic and medicinal plants can be ideally grown in a multi-tier cropping systems in plantations. Besides adding to the biodiversity of the farm, they will contribute to enhancing the farm income.These are encouraging factors for the increased production of medicinal herbs. After a dull period for Ayurveda, a resurgence in the trade and consumption of Ayurvedic medicines is seen at present.